if you get the chance, take it. if it changes your life, let it.

Monday, May 23, 2011

remember to write.

let me brag for a minute... i am good at keeping a journal. i'm not saying i'm a good writer, but i do remember to write things down. and boy am i grateful for that skill!

i've been reading my journals from my hillside days through pep club and high school adventures through living in the dorms up until my most recent journal which i write on my laptop. it is SO interesting.

i have totally forgotten about some of the things i spent pages and pages on because it was such a big deal to me. who knew i was a poet in 9th grade and wrote poems for like a week straight? when i was mad i wrote in cursive because i could write faster that way. and sometimes when i didn't have anything to write i wrote down what i wore that day, what i ate, what t.v. shows i watched and other dumb details.

the best part of my journal keeping skills?

i have SO many little stories about how much i liked Bry! Starting in 2004 and continuing all throughout each and every journal I wrote about how hot he was (and is), and how cool he was (and is).

for example:
from november 11, 2004 (age 15): "Bryan Baucom. He's hilarious, cute, nice, everything. I saw him at the Ranch and we talked pretty much the whole time. He said he would call me this weekend... He better call!!" (I later wrote about how upset I was when he didn't call...)

from august 24, 2005 (age 16): "Me and Bryan have hung out every day this week. it's been so fun!"

and from january 3, 2010 (age 20): "Bryan gets home in 4 months! That's only 4 periods! That's soon! I can't wait!"

another good part from my journal i can see how dumb i was. which i'm too embarrassed about to share with the blogging world.


  1. that is awesome that you get to look back on your evolving relationship with Brian! I, too, am a journaling ADDICT, but I started being consistent around when I was about 15. I am grateful I have written so many things down because it is amazing how easily we forget!

    PS I was also really dumb, no worries... ;)

  2. That is so cool Mel! I wish all the time that I had written things down. Those stories are going to be total keepers.
